zoom meetings
All Online Meetings
(updated 1 June 2023)
Please email [email protected] with any updates to meeting info!
(Wellington-based) Sunday ONLINE meeting (mixed): 7.30-8.30pm
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82578614548?pwd=UVRlZE84QkZpYVhZenV5RmFUc3lqQT09 or click HERE.
Meeting ID: 825 7861 4548
Passcode: 070288
Wednesday ONLINE meeting (mixed) 7.30pm
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86253687973?pwd=VnVlSEhaUHk1dmltNjNwSzdGYkFHdz09 or click HERE.
Meeting ID 862 5368 7973
Passcode 639491
Friday ONLINE meeting (Women only) 7.30-8.30pm
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89579399733?pwd=Mmd6YTJhb01sYzJ3dW5YVUZoaDRJUT09 or click HERE.
Meeting ID 895 7939 9733
Passcode 905838
Saturday ONLINE meeting (mixed) 6pm
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89963326504?pwd=eW5IcHc1WFJQWWZjbFZHZllsZll2dz09 or click HERE.
Meeting ID 899 6332 6504
Passcode 736832
If any information needs updating please email [email protected].
(updated 1 June 2023)
Please email [email protected] with any updates to meeting info!
(Wellington-based) Sunday ONLINE meeting (mixed): 7.30-8.30pm
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82578614548?pwd=UVRlZE84QkZpYVhZenV5RmFUc3lqQT09 or click HERE.
Meeting ID: 825 7861 4548
Passcode: 070288
Wednesday ONLINE meeting (mixed) 7.30pm
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86253687973?pwd=VnVlSEhaUHk1dmltNjNwSzdGYkFHdz09 or click HERE.
Meeting ID 862 5368 7973
Passcode 639491
Friday ONLINE meeting (Women only) 7.30-8.30pm
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89579399733?pwd=Mmd6YTJhb01sYzJ3dW5YVUZoaDRJUT09 or click HERE.
Meeting ID 895 7939 9733
Passcode 905838
Saturday ONLINE meeting (mixed) 6pm
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89963326504?pwd=eW5IcHc1WFJQWWZjbFZHZllsZll2dz09 or click HERE.
Meeting ID 899 6332 6504
Passcode 736832
If any information needs updating please email [email protected].
Safety and suggestions
In accordance with our primary purpose, 'to carry the message of recovery to the sex and love addict who still suffers', Zoom meetings are being strictly monitored by hosts and chairpersons to protect anonymity and the safety of all members. Attendees are strongly encouraged to turn ON their video so that other members can see, welcome and recognise you; just as they would at a face to face meeting. Respecting members' anonymity is paramount: "who you see here, what you hear here, let it stay here." However, each meeting is autonomous, and will have their own requirements. Some meetings will employ the 'waiting room' tool, and with members only being enabled to enter the meeting once recognized by the host. Inappropriate behaviour by any member will result in immediate removal from the meeting.